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FAVES Avenger
$7.00 per month
Embark on your journey to better health with foundational support. Gain access to exclusive content, community connection, and inspiration to fuel your FAVES journey.
- MODs (Members Only Discounts)
- Access to members-only merchandise and discounts
- Monthly newsletter with exclusive tips and recipes

FAVES Crusader
$15.00 $10.05 first month
Dive deeper into the FAVES lifestyle with enhanced support and resources. Connect with a like-minded community, gain insights from Chef LaQuita Marie, and accelerate your progress toward optimal health.
- All FAVES Avenger perks
- Access to a private Discord channel for real-time interaction and support
- Monthly live health Q&A sessions with Chef LaQuita Marie & other health professionals
- Early access to new merchandise and workshops
- One free mini-consultation with Chef LaQuita Marie (15 minutes)

$25.00 $19.00 first month
Take charge of your health and become a true FAVES advocate with personalized guidance and premium benefits. Receive one-on-one coaching, customized meal plans, and priority access to events and resources.
- All FAVES Avenger perks
- All FAVES Crusader Perks
- Cooking Demo: Starring a Member-Selected Recipe
- One-on-one coaching session with Chef LaQuita Marie (30 minutes)
- Significant discounts on all workshops and events